Coca Mallorquina is a fabulous way to use these in a healthy tasty treat the family will love.
At this time of year, vegetables in any market of Mallorca are fresh, full of flavour and in great supply. Coca Mallorquina is a fabulous way to use these in a healthy tasty treat the family will love. The base is a very simple flat bread – don’t be nervous give it a go. (However, if you want to take the simple option, you could always buy a pizza base or dough base from the supermarket and then just do the topping).
Delicious hot or cold. Serves 6 as a main dish or cut into smaller squares for a tapa. Great for a drinks party
You can vary this recipe any way you like using any topping you like – just pick your weapon.
For the base
- 400g Strong white flour (harina fuerza)
- 1 sachet dried yeast
- 1 tsp salt
- ½ tsp sugar
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tbsp white wine (optional)
- 225 ml warm water (may vary depending on flour)
For the basic topping
- 2 Tbsp Extra virgin olive oil
- 6 garlic cloves
- 2 red onions thinly sliced
- 1 tsp Sugar
- ½ Red Pepper thinly sliced without seeds
- ½ Yellow Pepper thinly sliced without seeds
- Jar of pimientos del piquillo drained of oil and dried off (these are the red peppers preserved in oil and spices)
- Salt & Pepper
- 250g clams drained and rinsed
Alternative toppings
- Tomatoes chopped
- Feta cheese or Goats cheese crumbled
- Basil leaves torn
- Mozzarella cheese
- Prawns shelled, deveined and rinsed.
- To make the base – sieve flour into a bowl, make a well in the middle and place the yeast one side of the well and the sugar and salt on the other side (yeast performs better if it is kept aside from the sugar initially).
- Combine the oil water and wine together in a jug and gradually add ¾ of this to the dry ingredients combining together to form a soft dough. Different brands of flour absorb liquids differently – you may use all the liquid but you may have a bit left over. Don’t feel compelled to use it all if the
dough is already sticky. You can always add more but you can’t take away! - (If you have a trusty food processor with a dough hook – you can dust it off now! This will do all the work for you – it will combine the ingredients and knead it for you too in 5 minutes) Otherwise ….
- Lightly flour a work surface and turn the dough out. Knead for about 10 mins until nice and smooth, roll into a ball. In the meantime, rinse out the bowl and coat the inside with just a little oil. Pop the dough back in and roll it around to coat it slightly. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave in a warm place for 60 minutes. The dough should double in size.
- While the dough is proving, place oil in frying pan and add the crushed garlic. If you don’t have a garlic crusher – use the flat side of a large knife and firmly press down on it with palm of your hand, then chop it up roughly.
- Fry the garlic, thinly sliced onions and 1 tsp of sugar over a low heat stirring frequently for about 20 minutes or until the onions have caramelised.
- Transfer the onions to a bowl and when cool add the pepper strips and other ingredients you may fancy. Mix well.
- Knock down the dough again and quickly knead again to take the air out. Then return to bowl and leave for 10 minutes (this will make it easier to handle).
- Coat a baking tray (min size 30 × 30cm) with a thin layer of oil and then dust heavily with flour.
- Roll out the dough to a nice big square to fit your prepared tray and transfer over. Gently raise the sides of the dough to form a little edging. Prick the base well with a fork.
- Spread the topping evenly over the dough. Season with Salt & Pepper and herbs.
- Bake in preheated oven 230’c/450’f/Gas 8 for 25 minutes or until rim is golden brown and the peppers are charred.

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